Vision Data - Updating Salesperson History for a transferred account.

From time to time an account may be transferred or reassigned to a new salesperson. 

Accomplishing this is a two-step process: 

First the AR Master Account Record must be updated to the new salesperson so that all future ads will automatically assume this salesperson on each new order (although this is a default on the ad order it can be overridden on ad order entry to a new salesperson if needed for some reason) 

NOTE: Read further down as this can also be done during the salesperson history update process…

As all financial reports are run set to “salesperson from master” the account financial activity will always reference the salesperson on the account record. 

Select the appropriate profit center and open the Advertiser Maintenance window from the Main menu.

Modify the salesperson on the master record and click the + to save to the master record.

To Update the history for the account now you must run the salesperson batch update from the Tools menu:

You can kill two birds with one stone from here as well; if you wish you can change both the master and the history from this single tool by selecting the change existing salesperson on master setting. 

Enter the Old Salesperson ID

Enter the new Salesperson ID

Leave Profit Center at 0

IF THIS IS A SINGLE ACCOUNT Enter the single account number in the account range fields.

IF THIS IS A FULL SALESPERSON TO SALESPERSON TRANSFER; then you would leave the account range blank so all history from the old salesperson is transferred to the new one for all accounts.  (This is not normal as most times in that situation a new salesperson just assumes the old salesperson ID for the territory -  a full ID to ID merge would be used more likely in a territory merge.) 

Check all boxes as below and set number of months to 72 to reassign all financial entries in the system.

Click Process, when finished a popup will advise that the process is completed. 

Repeat as needed by account.