TCMS New Build Checks

You Just received an email from the Helpdesk about a new build of TCMS being pushed out to your machine. Below is a list of a few things you will want to update in your Town News Workspace in order to assure a smooth transition to the new Build.

  1. Boot up your InDesign and login to the Blox Menu as you would do on any normal work day. 
  2. Once logged in you will want to navigate to the "Blox Total CMS" drop down menu (where you access the asset manager) and hover over the "Update and Reset" option almost at the bottom of the list and Select update all. This will take about 30 seconds and once it is done you will be able to click on the "Blox Total CMS" Menu again.

  1. Open up the "Blox Total CMS" Menu again and find the "settings and support" option and click on it. It will open up the window Pictured below.
    In the top bar of this windows select "KS" or " Keyboard Shortcuts" (#1 Below) then Check the box to "Replace Existing Shortcut Scripts" (#2 Below) and lastly Click Ok (#3 Below).

Once this Box is closed you are all ready to continue work as usual. If you notice nothing different that is normal as these updates are usually to fix bugs that happen in the background. If you notice any bugs or have any error messages popup after the process, please call the helpdesk and we will get this resolved for you.
